The Derrick Terrill Project | Poetry Vibe
The Derrick Terrill Project
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6300
contest winner
I been so busy with maintaining my existence writing has been receiving my cold shoulder. I gotta pick up the pace my third book won't write itself.

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Pseudo Pinnacle



Views: 207

 -Destine was a disperse.
-But temporarily I was visually impaired.
-Nightly activities tainted & painted.
-Camouflaged passion.
-So I squint.
-Focus in on the sins of flesh.
-Tunnel vision blocked out the fallen glory of amore.
-What was formally known as a divine dual apex.
-Now feels like selfish satisfaction.
-Coupled with a pseudo pinnacle.
-Sounds of desire.
-Brings a sorrowful exhale.
-Love leaves the lungs.
-To be certain that this has transformed into love lost.
-I egotistically I embark on another round.
-The voice that controls my heart mutters.
-"Don't you feel like your raping me?'
-The disperse has arrived

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