King Suspire | Poetry Vibe
King Suspire
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 17800
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Views: 132


   I'm Still twisting weed up, throwing Hennessy up.

Loaded with one in the head, for cold nights that need to heat up.

   While praying the Lord will free me up, from my evil ways.

Before the arrival of my days to decay.

   In the ground, and in the memories of friends and family.

Or at least hopefully.

   Due to the fruits of labor, there's no guarantees.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave.

   Actions in the dark, will find the light of day, eventually.

If a leopard could change his spots, he'll still be what he'll be.

   Or at least, to the outside eyes looking inwardly.

The depraved, who usually only know half the story.

   Passing judgment, as if they were selected for jury duty.

Do you, and just let me do me.

   The day is coming for all, so act accordingly.

Time can't be rewound, it only moves forwardly.

   So I release myself from problems, like water in a bowl that's holey.

   Maybe one day I'll feel the ghost that's holy.

Miracles happen everyday, maybe I'll experience mine shortly.

   Unfortunately, those days are numbered, with an unknown quantity.

   I don't count, I just live progressively.

Waiting for some positive to attract to my negativity.

   And die a beautiful death, escaping this world of the ugly.

So slug me or hug me, or just move along hurriedly.

   Burst your bubble, just to see you fall back to reality.

No better than you, nor you better than me.

   The harshness of the ends equality, you'll see.

Life's a mockery.

   Born alone, die alone, everyone's prophecy. .

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