TamaraD | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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just different

Views: 187

I can whisk away in my mind and be whomever I want to be in that moment

I smile and a warm feeling enters my very core. I have effortlessly become this me, that only the other me has seen.

The other me that is full blown in the life of her fun time fantasy. Just the right size and height and just the right feeling that excites her days and comfort her nights. I am in places I have never gone and singing songs I have never sung and no one is there to terrorize this freedom I flow in.

A beautiful model

I was once told I should be one and at the time I did not believe it to be true, but for some reason the thought keeps returning and I know I should have seen it through.

Fame and riches were never really the focal point, Although if it happens "Hey" I ain't gone turn down nothing but my collar . Value in a fabulous dream and awaken Im'a need them dollars. A girl's gotta eat, but oh so sweet the treat to make ya meat and potatoes from the dreams that only the heart knows.

Upon a star, blowing out of birthday candles fingers crossed with eye's "squoze" tight or a genie in a  bottle. Tangible ways to rectify and satisfy a hearts true show.

Beautiful sun shower outside wonders of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I can whisk away in my mind choose art as my focus and endlessly create, be creative in all I want to be. Write my dreams strike a pose and capture it totally. I think I like the wishes and the kisses God gave my mind. He placed these in me, Never dull His gifts always shines

So I close my eyes as many things return again and again.

I whisk away

I am that model, that writer, that creator no matter what any has to say

Seeking peace forever in my thought's,yea that's what I will do

There my 'thought wishes" are reality there I think they are true

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