To Honor Not Dishonor To Honor Not Dishonor
You cannot belittle me, or put me down in order to lift up your self- esteem
You cannot defame me, or bad mouth me for superficial gain
To asperse me is unacceptable, and does not verify or control me
You see, you never evolved into the person that you wanted to be
A person who honors themselves will show honor to others, and can show respect
In reality, you can only be the person that you choose to be
So; I will pray for you to ask for guidance from the almighty
That someday soon, you will gain knowledge
Knowledge to love yourself, so you can love others, to respect yourself in order
To respect others, and most of all, to gain knowledge of honor
For spiritual growth. honor, and self-love
befaithful |
Magestically Design To be majestic, is to walk with beauty and grace and
to explore the inner beauty that you embrace,. showing the power of
one's self that you behold demanding respect, and dignity, even when people want to reject you
You are doomed to arrive to the greatness, that your creator expect, because your expectations for yourself set high above the rest
You are real, and expressive, sometimes misunderstood, and agressive. but it"s only in a way that makes you impressive
Keep moving in your excellence, hold your head up high, like a beautiful eagle you will fly, to the height of yor existence that only you can control
Walk in the" Divine order" wince you came
You are from Queens, and Kings and your majestic design remains
Hopefulness i write about Love, and the lack of
I write about peace, and those that can"t seem to find it
I write about togetherness, when it seems to be more separation
I write about Faith, even though I feel there is little in the world today
I write about Unity, and pray for it every day
But Most of all, I write about having Hope that one day , the love Peace, togetherness, and faith in God, and each other will show it's beauty, and brilliance once again... I Hope, I Hope. I Hope..
Scattered Pieces Scattered pieces are everywhere. Some are so old that they might tear
Maneuvering the pieces on a day to day, hoping they will connect as they lay
Like a maze it comes together, with each strategic move
Some are complex, and the task can be hard, that is the truth, I'm a witness to that
Moving the pieces from east to west, and north to south, the pieces get more scattered, It can make you shout
The vision is unclear, to completion can be slow, as the pieces come together, the image starts to glow
It takes determination, and concentration for the pieces to link
Like a jigsaw puzzle, desperately looking for the right solutions, to make the puzzle complete
for this to happen we mus... |
Falsehoods, Faces and Things Where are the real faces? Are they deep inside? Hiding, and covering the oppression, and brokeness that is literally on the outside.
what are the falsehoods, the things people say sound so impressive that others want to play. The broken spirit is like a two edge sword, and it will cut you up like a flimsy piece of cord.
Search yourself, find out who you really are, and look in the mirror, look deep inside to arrest the true being that you were meant to be, Then, and only then, will you find your soul.
befaithful/ 09/12/22
Continue the Journey Continue the Journey
My poetic journey continues
To communicate, spiritually, and inspirational
To those who are willing to listen, and to accept
Another opportunity to expand our minds
To broaden our horizons, that promotes awareness
Of our individual perception of who we are
I started on this journey a long while ago
To share my thoughts, and expressions
About the world that you and I know
Some thoughts are happy, some are sad
Some are ones that the master inspires me to tell

"Naysayers and Theysayers" Naysayers and Theysayers"
I always try to write things that are inspiring to others, and true to my heart. This is a subject that I have been pondering over for a while
So I must share my thoughts. I hope after reading this it will trend into a new start.
The Naysayers in the Bible was the ones who criticized, always negative, and usually in opposition, skeptical, or cynical about something. I say, the “theysayers,” and naysayers are one of the same.”
Let me explain… They both are very toxic, and will try to defame your name. They said this, and they said that, spewing negative gossip
About others that comes from their own insecurities of meeting their expectations of others, for this is their quest. |
There is always something
Have you ever heard the old clich, there is always something going on?
Some people are quick to say this when they have a problem going on in their life.
Well, I am here to tell you that you are right, there is always going to be something
going on in your life, simply because that is part of our life's journey flight.
The ups and downs are the universe telling us that we will experience the good, bad and ugly,
while we are on this timeful journey. How we approach those somethings will affect the
outcome, and the solution
The somethings come for a reason. God never told us that everything in this life's
journey would be easy, but he did tell us that we c... |
"The Troubled Heart" When your heart is troubled, it can lead you down the road of degradation. Seeking something that will fill the emptyness that you feel within.
Longing for someone to come help close the gap that the last relationship left, which wasn't a win. The human need for the warm touch of another is a desire that we hold, a part of our senses that is hard to control.
But our hearts really desire a deeper and lasting fulfillment that only that special soul mate can complete. So we must take time, and carefully study the rules for finding your true mate in God's scripture, then you can connect the dots for the complete picture.
To find out what is truly missing to fill that gap in the heart, and in order to find love, we must first truly love ourselves.
beafaithful/ 7/2/21 |
The Moth and the Butterfly The Moth and the Butterfly
The moth asked God, Why am I still a moth, and not a beautiful butterfly?
God answered, because I gave you the instructions with a time limit,
And you chose not to follow them.
Now your time is up, and you will remain a moth.
** Our time is limited, so we should follow His instructions, so we
Can be transformed into the beautiful creation that God intended
Us to be. **
Be Blessed
befaithful 6/26/21 |