The Derrick Terrill Project | Poetry Vibe
The Derrick Terrill Project
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6300
contest winner
I been so busy with maintaining my existence writing has been receiving my cold shoulder. I gotta pick up the pace my third book won't write itself.

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Views: 191

 -As gutted pumpkins with animated scary faces carved into them.
-Are positioned as watched to door steps.
-At a local park that is highlighted in red, brown, yellow, orange & green is being picniced by
-A couple in love.
-Accustom to the company of one,
-Another you can tell the unconditional condition of this
-Autumn love
-An old style wicker basket occupies a handmade blanket.
-And as a cheese plate, wine & two glasses are placed upon this cover this
-Affectionate pair share this passionate snack on thier
-Anniversary luncheon date they laugh, smile & gaze into each otyher eyes it is then that everyone can tell that these emotions are experienced everyday & this isn't just an.........
-Autumn love

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