The Derrick Terrill Project | Poetry Vibe
The Derrick Terrill Project
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6300
contest winner
I been so busy with maintaining my existence writing has been receiving my cold shoulder. I gotta pick up the pace my third book won't write itself.

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Views: 341

 -When two seperate souls become one in a paradox that transends past this earthly atmosphere.
-They will find that the name of this tryst is ecstacy.
-When two seperate souls has a force that predetermines certain events & the outcome is them meeting.
-They will find that destiny has brought them together.
-When two seperate souls are fullfilling sexual acts that are created within the opposites imagination.
-They will find that they are satisfying each others fantasies.
-When two seperate souls have realized it was destiny that brought them together.
-They will fullfill one another fantasies, eternally living in harmonicly in ecstacy.
-When those two seperate souls have accomplished these things.
-They will find a soulful craving.
-When those two souls are apart,
-They will find that this yearning is titled desire.
-Making them

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