The Derrick Terrill Project | Poetry Vibe
The Derrick Terrill Project
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6400
contest winner
I been so busy with maintaining my existence writing has been receiving my cold shoulder. I gotta pick up the pace my third book won't write itself.

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Views: 214

 -Because of another faux pas, fiasco well ....felony.
-I find myself fenced in again.
-And I'm feenin' for freedom.
-The feeling of the wind as it blows across my face and
-To frolic amongst the free would be fabulous.
-First I gotta find a way to break loose of these mental fetters.
-But I've found out that handcuffs are my fetish.
-So in some form or fashion,
-I'm always feenin' for freedom.
-Now due to my past it would be feasible to say that my forte' isn't known walking that fine line.
-The new me will not falter when I stand tall at a forum & explain how I've fine tuned myself.
-And how I'm feenin' for freedom.
-Being fed up with these small portions of food.
-Also being surrounded by these feeble minded & flamoyant buffoons.
-Has my faith praying to my heavenly Father,
-For the blessing of finesse so I can find my way out of this fecility.
-Even though frequently I have forsaken thee.
-I now have the fundamentals to no longer be freckless.
-To no longer filch.
-To no longer be a fink.
-And when I fast forward to my state of nonconstraints,
-I see myself rewinding to this point & focusing on how I was once.
-And that thought shall keep me free

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