LP45 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 205400
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lightness in the dark
Hey there my fellow poets! Blessings and greetings to you all for a prosperous new year. Life has been pretty rough for me since I last posted but nonetheless, as always with God's mercy and grace I've persevered. I'm finally at a point where I can start posting again. I so miss being on here and reading everyone's works. I hope that everything is going well for everyone. Let's keep the inklove flowing!

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Sounds of Silence



Views: 247

I awaken each morning
Knowing I’ve heard your last breath
And the sound of your voice
As you say good morning.
I’ll remember the sound of the
Motor engaging on your bed
As you adjust it to sit up.
It was the final snooze button
On my alarm clock,
The one I couldn’t reach
And push one last time,
Just a few more minutes needed,
But I knew I had to get up for you.
The silence weighs heavily
In your room as its door
Remains closed since you’ve gone
And to relieve its pressure
When I open the door
To grab something needed,
It exhales with a sigh of relief
As it travels throughout our home.
Comforted by only the sound
Of fish tank filters running in
In the living room outside my door.
Silently I sit on the side of my bed
Taking it all in and I’m numb.
Decisions to get out and just ride
Are hard but necessary
In order to get on with the business
For the day, to keep living and
To keep my heart from breaking
Into oblivion.
Failed attempts to hold back tears
Begin to blur my vision
And stain my glasses resulting in
My emotional dam breaking and
My cries take over once again
As I hold onto every memory we had
They flow until I am empty and
My pressure is relieved.
I regain my composure and
Move on with my day,
And it’s only day 2 of
My life without you.

By Juanita J. Smalls


Revised 9/9/21

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Many prayers...

Ninah318 says:

I can so relate to this.

LP45 says:

Thank you Charles2. I appreciate it.

LP45 says:

Thank you Ninah318. I appreciate it.

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Surrender to the Feeling....and Know that your work is not done my friend.....Thanks for sharing! Namaste

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LP45 says:

Thank you love_supreme for your support.

LP45 says:

Thanks 2b, for your support and kind words. Peace and blessings.

TEEDUB815 says:


LP45 says:

Thank you TEEDUB815. "I APPRECIATE". Peace and blessings.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

I feel you, LP45. Let the tears flow with their anointing memories of joy. That's what tears of love are. Yes God takes, but He gives ever so much! Just know that The Extended Family of the Poetic Village is here for you. Peace and Love.

LP45 says:

Thank you Sir Lowe. Peace and blessings.

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