Distractions out here, be acting,
Like them is grassroots, like organic
Planted see food, fed 2b farm raised
Oh! the evergreen grows purely on manure
Fielding scenes, revolting memes, no boots on grounds,
Footprints are marked by the revolt being spurred momentous
Unfound, yet discovered undercover, out of pockets of discontent
Pulling back covers, this play is pretty cold blooded as not saying nothing,
Seeing something, can’t call it, so it must have been hunches, shrugging shoulders
Or am I just too old to fold, elections sold, for fare and free selections upon interference
Radar is detecting some bullseye corruption, while looking up for apogees
Apologies for losses made in social media space, so the roots of the problem is an about face
Don’t look too hard, the algorithms know your place, so the story changes for instance
The government will not stand for such anti-trust in the high and low, far and near placement
So resolutions are never ever realized as sponsored diatribes,
Its all about public opinion that matters, so the law keeps bending
Eruptions of corruption, well that’s just pollution, so that must be that which has to be uprooted
So off to jail with the innocents, being born to seeing it their way wrongly
How can you possibly confuse citizenry any further than making it seem 2b out of the blue…screen!