Colette | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 16600
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Views: 161

What is happiness - It can be a mood, feeling, emotion, thought, desire... you fill in the blank.
What makes you happy?
Love, money, peace, great health, wealth, people, a person, self, a house, car, designer clothes, time, communication, freedom, nothing...
It can be some of these, all of these, none of these, or something totally different. You decide, yes you. Be at a place in life where YOU decide your happiness.

People often look for ways to please a person by making sure they are happy, especially through material things. There's a saying, "Happy Wife, Happy Life." I beg to differ. I say to that statement "Happy Spouse, Happy House."
Because in all actuality, both should be happy, not just the wife.
But then again, it goes back to the question - What is Happy?

Does smiling indicate you are happy?
Do you choose your own happiness or does life circumstances? Because Happy People, I mean truly Happy People do not base their happiness on a person, situations or life circumstances... just saying.

So think about it - Ask yourself, am I happy? And if so, why?
The choice of Happiness is totally yours. And once you understand your happiness, you will choose to be happy, not just today, but everyday.

Be Blessed

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mlowe5 says:

Thanks for this happy share, Colette. It's interesting that some find it hard to understand that a person can suddenly be happy because he has just become aware of sad, evil things that are going on. How else is he/she to know that he/she needs to give attention to such things. Again, thanks for this happy share. Peace and Love.

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