WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 172900
contest winner 5
contest winner
The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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  double ruby
Total poems   807
Lifetime Views   220665
Total poems - 7 days   0
Total poems - 30 days   0
Total poems - 90 days   4
Total poems - 365 days   40

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Do you believe it?



Views: 159

How do you get people to read/believe  what you wrote?

Tell truths or lies, use comedy or music notes?

Educate the masses or just entertain them well?

Bless them to heaven, damn them to he11?

Charm them with compliments, or seduce them with vices?

Remind them of the past, or expose today’s latest crisis?

Talk about problems or just vent random rants

Create allegories, poems, and chants

Words may one day become religion that’s used as a weapon

Or merely entertainment, warnings, or lessons

Right and wrong is subjective

Based on the masses’ perspective 

If everyone’s lives were simply dependent on wearing a mask

Those that believed it would probably number less than half...

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Some people write "trump-like" poop. You, my brother, continue to pen the mission purpose messages God has commissioned. And you know that if you should ever lie, your pen's ink would surely die! Now get to writing! Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Much appreciated mlowe5!

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