The Derrick Terrill Project | Poetry Vibe
The Derrick Terrill Project
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6300
contest winner
I been so busy with maintaining my existence writing has been receiving my cold shoulder. I gotta pick up the pace my third book won't write itself.

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MY POETRY VIBE IDENTITY (contest part 1)



Views: 220

 -Who am I,

-To poetry vibe?

-I'm just some guy.

-That's good with words that's trying to get by.

-And here's why.

-I've been in a singing group that went on tour & did local shows.

-We even had three songs on the radio.

-But we never shot a video.

-So I guess you can say we never made it big time but we were damn close.

-But now-a-days I don't wanna be.

-Anything other than me.

-So when you ask who am I?

-To poetry vibe.

-I respond I'm just some guy.

-That's good with words that's just trying to get by.

-And here's why.

-After the record lable put us on the back burnner back in the day.

-I transformed myself into a DJ.

-Still had bills to pay.

-The Scene Magazine rated me five star entertainment & not to toot my own horn I'm pretty good I must say.

-Fifteen years later the ones & twos I just wanna get up & walk away.

-But those same bills I still gotta pay.

-See why I don't wanna be.

-Anything other than me.

-So when I'm asked who am I?

-To poetry vibe.

-I respond I'm just some guy.

-That's good with words that's trying to get by.

-And here's why.

-I found my peace.

-My tranquility,

-My felicity.

-And I just published my first book RENAISSANCE POETRY.

-Now just to get this check that's a royalty.

-And this conclued my verse titled My Poetry Vibe Indentity.

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