Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 183200
contest winner 4
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  double ruby
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Views: 217

damnation, explosive words flew 


a misplayed hand... 

a breaking story, in the news


a people caught up the moment...

expressed, their heartfelt views...


truth was the forefront 


of tides of history, turning fast... 

such people, tired of being abused

spoke out with ...outrage... 


carried with the burden... 

long endured 

and so, lit the fuse... 


a stage of evolution... 

long overdue...


elevated, the heartbeat of the struggle... 

in a tidal wave, moving people to rise 


raise their sights... 



inspired, in the possibility 

...of a miracle... worth fighting for


twas... now or never, 

to be delivered... 


only, right

the mold was cast...


with so much grandiosity... 

moving speeches, defiant marches 


and parades set the stage, 

the mold was cast... 


although, revolution was in the air... 


a spark was needed

lest the moment of potential ...pass... 




within every heart, a leader awaits... 

positioning for a fight


clueless, without a plan, 

resistance alone 

was going nowhere fast


brave souls, 

throw themselves deliberately into battle 


into the killing fields they pour

rubber bullets fly...


like snowflakes driven by the wind

chemical attack, burning eyes, labored breathing



even children present, suffer...

some fall...


others are taken away, beaten 

as the numbers ...rapidly mount



they will not turn back


not, now... 











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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

The beautiful rhythmic flow of truth and of the infinite Ebon count that just keep coming on! Continue inspirational flaming, C2! Thanks for the share. Peace and Love
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

In the struggle to survive... there is a cost, buried heads and tails do not render ...lost, relevance... no prisoners are taken, non surrender honored.

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