<3 | Poetry Vibe
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It's time to fold my hand



Views: 226

 You were right all this time, all along 

I tried to convince myself I wasn't wrong.

You hurt the ones that care the most

 bet your smiling, raising your glass in a toast.

I thought that what I saw was true even if it was raw

 I thought out of everyone I held the shortest straw.

But, here I sit being the fool wondering how long you intended to be so cruel.

It`s a sad reality knowing I won`t fit that place

knowing I`m not the one to bring a smile upon your face.

Everything I wrote I put my heart in for you

 every word that I said was true but it still did not get through.

So now I turn my back knowing its your heart I will always lack

 you will continue to keep going on never knowing my hearts been broken for so long.

You will always mean more then anything to me even if sadly you could never see.

I loved you for reasons that made no sense and for everything that I could not understand

 but my heart is not a game of poker and its time to fold my hand.

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