2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 102

 moving with an ease of letting my les and arms take me forward with a pleasure oly the soaring bird can know as body is propelled by what tothe is the gusts of air, is for me the lack of despair plaguing my people with the thought of the repsectless,and dreadof life.  Dread of living, the experience of survivors who have knowo hope of tasting the fruit of their work, we the fruit of their loins feel The tides that parted the Red seas emboldened by the command of those greater than ourselves to free that beast of slavery.  Time to tell it , Let my people Go,  Mayhaps our tiking has toolong occupied itself with its evil intent Time spent too log with its ravshment of the present which can occupy itself with that breath taken in the moment of comparison, then and now.  Satisfied with the doing and doing what must now be done in freedom, completed.


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