-He reflects, as he looks in the mirror at his reflection.
-On the stutifications he's made since his conception.
-His conception is to put himself through a form of mutation.
-Realizing that this is the repercussion to his ramifacaations.
-And a judge ordering his felony conviction was the rigt decision.
-So he decides, to look at life with, the right conviction.
-Because, his day in the sun will come someday.
-That day will be, when his classifaction, will read released from his correctional instutition.
-Then he'll be able to express to his daughter, emotions of love & compassion.
-You understand that he stilll cares even if he isn't present, beacuase of his absent actions.
-He overstands his fatherly duties & wants to take them on with this new found passion.
-This man isn't looking for gratification nor a standing ovation.
-Just with his ex, to find a resolution.
-Sure because of his ways of deception, she is owed some form of restitution.
-But what if what she looks at as deception, he looks at as confusion?
-Would he be in violation, if he ask her for a vindacation, from that false illusion?
-Because it's not just thier daughter, she is also included in part of his inspiration, for that fusion.
-For when his day, in the sun that will come