lloydboy35 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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My Hero Story(Contest)



Views: 238

my hero story, my pops, my glory

his description and category

a King

but here's my hero story at a glance

a family of eight

no matter the circumstance

we always ate

on one income, still fortunate

never crumbs

but pops forever stood tall

numerous termites in the wall

one bedroom wooden shack

he never walked away

nor turned his back

even on his hardest day

the roaches in the cracks

so hard at play

his hair grew early gray

from stress

I could only imagine his pain

the trial and test

two beds and eight heads

hand me down clothes

at times no water

sharing the neighbor's hose

my pops, my hero

he never vanished when problems


blistered toes and back aches

he did it for his children sake

and i can forever appreciate

the fact

that the love we all had for each

other never lacked

I thank him for that

a man today that still truly care

and manage to afford 7 of us

without welfare

now tell me that aint rare

he remained through thick and thin

not just my pops but also a friend

of dignity, honor, and as well as pride

i'd like to send much respect to Vibe

for letting me share

he's the definiton of a man

he always been there

the best pop in the world

my light and glory

and he is my hero, my pops

my story

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