lloydboy35 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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City Transit


just different

Views: 219

the drunk with the overwhelming odor

so foul

the teen sipping soda, singing

out loud

the woman with the oversized boobs

plenty stares

the enormously large man in two chairs

the punk in the back in drag

the hoodlum in the back supporting

the rag

the man with the brief in the suit

the man next to him, his physique

is the truth

the man with the gold crowns, very

unkind, a permanent frown

the crying infant who just woke up

a frustrating mom in search of a

sipping cup

the elderly lady in front, talking the

driver's head

raving about yesterday's lunch

the college girl across the isle was

in pursuit

of the guy in front of her, unaware he

was a youth

the flirty woman in the back, a regular

who often mingled

she always wore shirts that stated

”I'm Single”

the guy next to me was headed for a game

of poker

as I observed the tubes hanging from what appears

to be a smoker

the homeless making round trips around town

it's 6 a.m. and coffee's calling

the next stop, I'll touch ground

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