Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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it looks like rain



Views: 176

Early today,

bright this morning, 


...just after, i awoke... 

washed my face, 

brushing my teeth, 


sung to the amusement 

of the mirror 


...a song about 

a sweet relationship, 

i once had, then...

as i shave 

...yesterdays growth away, 


while my hurt feelings, 

sent me reeling...


...all that it invoked...


stepping outside catch a smoke 


i observed, a glorious sunrise 

unfolding, a new opportunity 


...with something different 

arriving, over the horizon


i felt ready, come what may...


although, i had ...a funny feeling, 


this was not... going 

to be just another, ordinary day, 


gazing the skies, 



although, the thin, 

wispy concentrations

of frozen condensation, 



an ever increasing mass

of random collections 


of majestic floating 

islands on parade... 


building bolder, 

thicker, stronger  


as darkening shadows 

faded to gray... 


gather deeper, 

as the skies become enraged the distance, 

lightning flashes its dire warning 


...with thunder chasing clouds


a strong wind falls suddenly upon us

scattering leaves... every which way


i can smell the cool, dampness in the air

as birds flying low, seeking shelter 


sleeping lights ...stagger back to life


umbrellas, suddenly appear


seems like a good day 


to make the juke box fill the air 

with songs from yesterdays


step away from this reality, 

enjoy a beer or three... 


with a friend, i haven't met 


it looks rain




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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow! C2. As I sat here consuming this "black and white screen suddenly everything turns multi-colored and as real as it is penned! What a great capture. And I heard real thunder! Nice sharing 3 beers, but got to go re-fill before the rain comes. Corona!???! Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Corona, thank you ...three or two, will do

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE> Peace and Love.

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