Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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The... Buzz



Views: 213

the... buzz

centered within...

each of us, as we 


our day to day, process

hustle, bustle... 

organization in progress...

pure productivity... 

in the actions, 

goals and directions... 

we are enabled to achieve,

in our efforts... to balance 

our wants from our needs

 characteristics uninhibited, 

by the occasional fits and starts

of momentary misdirection, 

which are merely adjustments

to the beats of our hearts

to centers of activity 

in our collective 

heart beat

the nucleus of 

mother love

not only 

is it unnecessary 

to have no resistance, 

it is necessary, to...

continuously test 

and tune up/in

the driving force 

calibrated perfectly to

the heart of the source

lest our failure to attune 

our senses, warp our drive

obscure our vision... allow a 

failure of faith take root 

with the fallacy, to think that

no interference , zero failure 

along the intended path... 

is critical to the process

when, the reality...

is more truth

despite the insistence 

that people such as we cannot, 

could not and will not 

command procession 

to achieve such a high 

level of focus, 

achieve inherent balance, 

continuously find direction 

...charged to perform change

it is the adjustment to the energy... 

required to overcome...

keeping our initiative intact, 

the inertia... to make right

wrongs, to inspire our... 

hearts strength keep 

our bonds strong

a  constant reminder

we... are the stars...

led by the heart 

of the universe

to believe, 


is possible 

which is worthy 

of the effort 

required to achieve


not only, will it give us  

...inner peace...


it is required for us 

to give our souls...

divine release


as we, return the one

proving worthy each, one...


because... the creator 

will always recognize 


the energy language 

of the hive...


by the business 

of spreading 

the love... 




to... that

of our 



the dance

and the song

of our hearts



in the blessing,

as we become,


with our spirituals  


with the... buzz







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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, C2, for this Sunday morning Buzz. Indeed, we must continuously "...test and tune/ up/in the driving force..." in our Creator's mission purpose for us. Amen, Amen, Amen. ONE. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Brilliant Expression.....and Capture (of 'that' buzz....)...thanks for sharing....ONE

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, mlowe5, 2b2b2...

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

THANK YOU! Peace and Love

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