Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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Life ...Stream



Views: 190


a wave of consciousness, arising...

washes over us, arriving... as we were, still sleeping

halfawake, now... we energize our sense of being,

as our emotions are stirred to life,

we peruse the library our memories

from mirrors within our collective soulspace...

listening to spiritual voices ...which elevate, our lives

from the drops, we are... to the puddle of our families,

to the little creek of our communities, as we connect

to the mainstream gathering momentum, creating depth

as our particles, undergo transformation, interactions

defying gravity as the wave crests... and breaks...

not inclined to compromise, as we still weep...

from echoes our spirit shell...

creating reverberations

within our bodies

as ...wells...

overflowing in tears,

falling from the heavens

as star sign, progressions

being cast in reflection...

ripples of lost souls

becoming oceans

spirits, all...

now, in the

Creators keep...






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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed. And we remain "...oceans of spirits..." in waves of peace and love.
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Nice frequency.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, mlowe5/Poet Wize.

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