Renewed pandemonium
Is on the destructive move…
No longer can we just sit by
As if pulled into a rest stop...
No, we must be as the moving
Hand of time ticking clockwise
Towards destination—that we may
Likewise, begin anew—with renewed
Strategies ensuring our reaching
The waiting line of equity welcoming us
Into the 360 degrees circumference
Surrounding congruent justice…
As the oppressive forces
Seek to unmask and destroy
Our curing progress—despite
Another imposed distancing—
Let us continue to inject
And boost ourselves with
The undying hope, faith,
And determination, given us
By the blessed ancestors:-
Ancestors who did more with less
That we with more would have less to do
As we now mask and mount up to gallop
Onward on the track of liberation:
Goo…od morning…Black America!
Let’s roll up sleeves and get…gitting!