The Derrick Terrill Project | Poetry Vibe
The Derrick Terrill Project
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6300
contest winner
I been so busy with maintaining my existence writing has been receiving my cold shoulder. I gotta pick up the pace my third book won't write itself.

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Views: 194

 -Perhaps my covert coffee mate was correct.
-When she said that us leaving conversation at a full null in void is what was best.
-Our inner habitual line crossers made rules the martyr.
-As we devised a way to make lies & time barter.
-See my coffee mate & I have a past that mainaj with a dual still burning passion along with odd timing.
-A true epic romance is not defined with a standard final curtain I'm finding.
-Perhaps 1st I should clarify that my coffee mates & I, our past.
-Wasn't de-caff.
-We spent multiple Indian Summers falling in & out of states of amorous.
-From lust to love then from love to bust.
-An era separated only meant that upon eye contact we would continue where we left off.
-Well at least that's we thought.
-For four mornings straight.
-I rendezvoused with my coffee mate.
-With co-occurring unhappiness love levee’s were breeched.
-Temporary blue prints we constructed of escaping with this dual passion to the beach.
-Subsequently later on that fourth day.
-She text me to say.
-I took too long this time so.
-For the 1st time ever my coffee mate said no.

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