Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Under the Sun



Views: 225

Under ...the sun

a homeless scourge of animal creatures, 

self important beings, 

ignorant, selfish things


with scant resourceful characteristics... 

for increased survival 

even fewer... redeeming qualities


the light which

fills our skies, rain or shine... 



of our inclination to note 

patterns, which explain 

what we call seasons


fulfilling our desire 

to fill in, observations

to clarify our need to know, 

what comes next


in order to prepare... 

if we are to survive


as we specify 

a timely chain of events

if not heeded, leading to death 

or a need to find reason...  

to improvise,


then, too...

we look into the skies, 


with the stark contrast 

of the familiar Moon


At night,

of radiant lights 

fill the heavens

points of light 

which appear 

to sparkle, at times


calling to mind, 

our very own sun 

in a legion ...called stars... 


stars, which 

are as the same 

as the sun we see


multiplied exponentially, 

in turn... rotating purposefully

against the universe, in flow... 

with currents of the tides, 


which the cosmos, only knows...

but, from our view

stand out against the cold night


an ocean of sparks 

...spread across infinity

in a way known only

to a Creator


if need be, to an existence

we occupy, as mere shadows

commanding, no one... 


in the speck of nothingness

where our birth rides a bubble 

of passed gasses

into eternity...


our sun,

just as the stars


a collecting pool 

of particles 

of matter/energy


periodic conversion


morphing for an expanded 

multi-dimensional reality

bubble wells of violent

boiling soup... 


creating stews in a broth 

of elemental maelstrom

exploding continuously 


through the space between 

as its radiation pours outwardly

filtered to perfection, 



luckily for the life forms 

we... possess 

and/or possessed by


this sun






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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:


poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Brilliant Capture....(now this is a Tight Mental Birds-eye view)...thanks for sharing!!!
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, Poet Wize/@b2b2... just skipping a stone across the universe

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