a thought/word/deed, based loosely
upon some real or imagined want
to intensify/empower/feed...
an underlying compulsion/conviction
...not otherwise taught, by decent folks
in effort to succeed... in polite society
an idea, a seed, a meme
leading strings of sort of a connection,
maybe even an obsession...
to/for something, clearly
...you don't need
nearer to the shadow of evil...
should it appear ...encouraging,
a rapid descent to hell spawned visions
...of twisted minds with fear in tow
a nasty way to go
...you took the bait
...uh, oh!
a worse 0men... in store,
the worst notion,
of course the sorrows,
leaving its characteristic
...of pain
yesterdays nightmares,
drowning todays means
taking all our energies
...to salvage what we must
since our nature ...is comprised of stars
those whose nature is to
rendering toxic the stardust
smothering tomorrows dreams
in an ocean of tears...
an avalanche of ill natured
problems, based upon lies
negative reinforcement
their specialty ...just
being wicked
get a rope!