UnderWorldLyricist | Poetry Vibe
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The Process Of Death and Rebirth



Views: 195

My love, look at me.

Are you sure you’re ready to travel with me on this journey?

We made it to the end of this stage of our journey.

It’s time for us to move on and create a new legacy.

This journey is not for the faint of heart.

Are you sure you’re ready to step into the dark night of your soul?

Please be honest with me before we start.

I’m curious about how all of this will unfold.

I want to make sure you’re ready to walk with me to the other side.

Are you ready to face your demons?

Are you sure you’re ready to face the darkness within you that you’ve tried to hide?

Once we enter, we cannot leave until the test is complete.

Once we step through the door, there is no turning back.

If we fail a level, it will repeat.

It will test our love for one another.

It will try to push us to wave the white flag of surrender and defeat.

It will bring us to the most dark and traumatic moments in our past.

It will replay our mistakes and play on our fears.

Baby, it’s going to feel like we may not last,

But I want you to stay strong.

I want you to stand toe to toe with your demons…don’t back down.

No matter what they reveal to you, know that you are not that person anymore.

You have changed so much and turned your life completely around.

You are not darkness…there is a bright light within your core.

It’s time for you to shine bright my dear.

Hold my hand as we step into the dark night of our soul.

There’s nothing to worry about nor is there a reason to fear.

This is like the big test before graduation.

It’s time for our soul to prepare for its new role.

This is the final step before our reincarnation.

Our paths will cross again as it has lifetimes before.

No matter who you are or where you are…I will find you.

With each reincarnation, I find myself loving you so much more.

Close your eyes my dear…it’s time to release ourselves from these bodies.

See you on the other side and in our next life…my love!








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