WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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My last/700th poem?


just different

Views: 177

Ever been in a room for hours with a space heater?

Set to 80 degrees, oh, me either!

Seriously, you quickly get used to the heat

And don’t realize that it’s too hot until you get up out of your seat

Or when someone else enters with a different perspective

And shouts, ‘it’s gettin’ hot in herre!, not quite like Nelly, but disrespective

That’s how poetry is to me, comfortable, familiar, and warm

As I venture to short stories and novels, I’m torn

Actually quite terrified of beginning again, and trying something new

Taking a leap of faith is like jumping into a new pool

I know how to write/swim

But as I hold my breath and jump in 

Feet first, as I float in the cold creative unknown - it’s time to get to work!


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

I enjoyed every word of this construct and I do to feel the need to leap but if I'm to be quite honest whether one dives in a pool or in the sea a Poet's work will always be poetry. I salute you!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, nosajm, I agree with The Poet Wize. Be it a poem, a short story, anthology, essay, or novel a poet's puddle, pool, pond, river, sea, or storm, will always be from the poetic perspective of the gift we've been blessed with. Write on, my Brother! You still got work to do in the way chosen to do. Peace and Love.

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