mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 213



Indeed, the truth will always be self-evident

and beyond all lies;

Though they laid down the 5th to ensure deniability

of evident charges,

Over the trials of history—his-story—true crime can’t

ape innocence.

The crime—infamous in time—began with the first Christianized

slave ship to Africa;

And streamed onwards towards the last auction block to the

Emancipation Proclamation.


Now here we are—more than a millennium since—supposedly free;

still shackled and denied;

Shackled denied humanity—socially, economically, politically—victims

of the new social order;

The new social order in which the decimation of freed ancestral blacks remains “justified homicide.”


We must now realize that we are not the hued ghost of our freedom

fighting ancestors;

We must now realize that we are not the hued ghost of a liberation

fought for and won.

No, we are the living heirs of ancestors who forever kept their eyes

On the mountaintop;

No, we are the living heirs of ancestors who chose to fight to their death than living as a slave.


Today, let us be aware that as heirs of these ancestors, we are the new children of the Exodus.

Today, let us be aware that as heirs of these ancestors, we must keep

valley eyes on the mountaintop prize.

Today, let us be aware that as heirs of these ancestors, we are the blank black crosses of resurrected liberty.


While cotton-hued knees continue to bend down oppression to cut off

our life breathing air,

Let us continue bending night-hued knees in faithful prayer bringing us each morning’s life breathing air.

Though it has been a long time in coming towards fulfillment, know that our promised change is coming;

Though our fuel to justice has suffered leaking setbacks, today’s heirs must become our finish line jump-starters.


We must now mentally vaccinate ourselves from Oppressor Syndrome’s psychosis of self-oppressive afflictions.

We must now immune ourselves to black-on-black crime and focus on saving rather than taking our own black lives;

We must now focus on the awareness of building up rather than tearing down our beloved communities.


As menacing as today’s weathering pandemic trials and tribulations may be, over time, we’ve weathered worst;

And while we’ve met many Sisyphean challenges in our liberation sojourn, we have yet to fail in crushing them.

As the new millennial children of the Exodus, let us continue to successfully sojourn the shadowed valley of injustice:-


Indeed, with an iron will, volcanic hope, and sunshine faith, let us continue upward sojourn with eyes stayed on the prize;

And while we with waxed years and waning time realize we may not be around to walk mountaintop with you,

know that our eyes have likewise seen the glory of the coming of God’s promise and we know that the change is a’coming.

So, continue to be of good courage; and the warm rain that will fall will be our spiritual tears anointing your living free at last.








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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Yes indeed "let us be aware"

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes Poet Wize, it's always better to be aware than to be sorry. Thanks. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE, love_supreme. Thanks. Peace and Love.

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