The Derrick Terrill Project | Poetry Vibe
The Derrick Terrill Project
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6300
contest winner
I been so busy with maintaining my existence writing has been receiving my cold shoulder. I gotta pick up the pace my third book won't write itself.

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Views: 222

 -I’m not gonna get into the topic of slavery we all know about this
-I’m gonna take you back almost 100 years ago
-You see I was told
-That this
-Was what one would call the laying of the pavement.
-For the power of the fist
-Free blacks were moving north from the south in search of equal right and employment
-So a black realtor named Philip A Payton from Harlem (in jail) thought to himself this
-“When it comes to my apartments only to blacks I’ll rent”
-A few years later a man named Marcus Garvey envisioned this
-So he organizes the Universal Negro Improvement Association
-Years past and sadly in 1917, the drowning of a black boy would lead to 13 days of mayhem, Woodrow Wilson was President
-And did nothing about it
-Acts of mobocracy was displayed from whites in black neighborhoods in Chicago and 38 blacks died because of it
-In 1922
-Claude McKays “Harlems Shadows” would set off “The Harlem Renaissance” and si would these names just to name a few
-Duke Ellington, Neale Chestnutt and Langston Hughes
-All the names just mentioned never imagined this
-The power of the fist
-Medals of gold
-Would be remold
-Because of this
-So just when you think that it’s just us
-And no justice
-Think of this
-In 1947 Satchel Paige gave batters the blues
-By becoming major league baseball’s oldest rookie pitcher at the age of 42
-December 1955, the famous bus boycott begins
-It wasn’t until November 13th 1956 that it would end
-Of course with triumphs there is tragedy
-In 1957 during a cold day in January
-Four churches were bombed in Montgomery
-In 1961 a busload of integrated “Freedom Rides” were firebombed upon in the spring
-The ability to bounce back is a characteristic of the black man
-So we did not violently be sit in and we marched through Birmingham
-In 1963
-Martin Luther King had a dream
-Just so that 2 years later that “Bloody Sunday” would make history
-Now when end up on places like this
-Are we showing respect for those that have passed on for those that prayed for something that symbolizes blacks beauty like the power of the fist
-Names such as this
-Ralph Abernathy, Muhammed Ali, Maya Angelou, Wilson Baker. Harry Belafonte, Randolph Blackwell, James Clark, Dorothy Cotton, Richard J Daley, Sammy Davis Jr, Medgar Evers, James Former, Mohandas S Gandi, Gregory, Sam Hobbs, Jesse Jackson, Mahalia Jackson, The Kennedy’s, The Kings, Eartha Kit, Stanley D Levison, John Lewis, Malcolm X, Thurgood Marshall, James Meredith, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Hevy P Newton, Rosa Parks, Philip A Randolph, Jackie Robinson, Bayard Rustin, Willion Rutherford, Fred Shuttlesworth, Emitt Till, Wyatt Walker and the Black Panthers
-Balled up hands in the air please and never forget this
-There have been medals of gold
-Because of this
-So just when you think that is
-Just us
-And no justice
-Think of this
-The power and beauty that is
-The Black Fist

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