The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


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lightness in the dark
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Vibrational Effect



Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 224

pencils down hands off the desk hand in the test held back a grade couldn't graduate with the class Lord knows I tried I done my best couldn't breathe with the mask on my face what's the fate all the hate I'll be home late don't save a plate not hungry just ate come get me I'll wait in the rain I won't complain every drop soothes the pain subjected to dangerous things change the subject switch lane to oncoming traffic it's not suicide it's graphic letters ingrave on a headstone in a graveyard cemetery cause of death harikari self sacrifice on stationary don't cry say bye hope to see you in the sky mum's the word said the night owl to the hummingbird see the dawns early light taking flight through chemtrails and creative writes to travel man restricted travel ban idealistic linguistic two strand twisted up for the shindig and all the shenanigans I be still like a mannequin overdose on meditation I am existence therefore I exist I insist I exist, in this sector not a station on the planet practicing patience toleration caseload of obligations cursed by the occupation still in incubation pour out libation to the light nation spirits of annihilation due to inhalation depopulation beat the black man don't hurt the Asian we learn through education the more we learn the more it gets outrageous a holiday for indigenous that's not being generous we not ignorant indigent degenerates how can the path be narrow when it's nationwide I swear I lived multiple lifetimes and every time the light go out it's homicide seen it all before eyes don't lie to the blind five on the blackhand side who would I be if I wasn't on the black man side the Black Rock side the Blackstone side please stop black on black crime I got a black on black rhyme it's a poem called black on black love add a beat to the lyrics play the song and get it on ever day hit the vertebrate disappear like The great Houdini spine tingling Kundalini activation we don't need another activist we need a active culture acting right don't like the program change channels to the Chappelle Show oh that's right it's canceled I swear this world is a cancerous canker sore on the buttocks of a dinosaur it's creational vibrational can't stop the flow it ain't letting go it got a hold on me no cost for fashion style is free been there done that got the T-shirt and the hat logo on back don't follow me go on back I will lead you to the track to catch a train that won't come back you too attached to the welcome mat that's how they get you back make you think they like the black our kind ain't never been liked that kind ain't never been right don't care what no one say as long as we skirting the mountain we'll be  on the way okay that's all I got to say bout that

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Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Profoundly said with a pounding vibrating rhythmic rhyming flow! Great write! Thanks for the share, Poet Wize. What an aware summation of our present situation---ending with the inspiration to keep on keeping on! Peace and Love.

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UnderWorldLyricist says:

Yessss! Let ya ink speak!!!

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