Coalhouse | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 80600
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Humble appreciation for the love shown to me... Writers must write!

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  4 star general
Total poems   285
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Total poems - 90 days   4
Total poems - 365 days   25

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Views: 280
America the game show In other words a sucker born every minute. I can't get the theme music from the PRICE IS RIGHT game show out my head Come on down! Your the next contestant! Applauding uncontrollably From sea to shining sea Blind to blood painted Users, losers, Sunday whores turning Spiritual tricks on the faint of heart. America the game show The fame show Waiting for your name to be called. COME ON DOWN! Press your luck for a buck. Diabolical Bob Barkers well tailored and vicious Pull strings behind the scenes Sons of guns pledge allegiance Becoming Kevlar cowboys With God in their pocket. Heaven for winners Hell for sinners From sea to shining sea. Warmongers feed bombs to babies Titty milk brutality. Growing corn fed killers That cry during the national anthem. The theme music is trapped in my head space COME ON DOWN!

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Love it!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes Sir! And this game goes on! Well said. Thanks for the share, Coalhouse. Good to hear from you. Peace and Love.

UnderWorldLyricist says:

I see many souls are awakening...I love it!!!

love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

SirenLyricMuse says:


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