You said Medusa
Don't stare or she would turn us into stone
Found out it was just the envy of the black woman
You wanted your men to leave us alone
Head full of snakes
And all along it was our dreads
Talking about turning them into stone
and they would be dead
Jealous of our nappy hair
Body and beauty hypnotizing
You got mad your men cared
You made us wear a scarf and cover-up our hair
Because you know we are roots and our antennas are there
All plants need energy
The Direct sunlight
The heat protects our bodies
and help us to fight
You gave us your Bible
You said to believe in your son
But we did not understand , that it was truly our sun
You said Moses parted the sea
But as I dive into the ocean floor
It's sea mosses that I see
You had us looking at the man
And it was a plant with energy
Now we innastand
A plant with all the nutrients for our bodies
You said break a mirror it is bad luck
Had my ancestors running and hiding
But it means seven more years slave stuck
On Valentine's Day
It was Chocolate covered hearts Candy
But it was you
eating our dark body parts
Mentally Programming
You said human
But it is Hue-man
Words are broken down
we innerstand
Hue means color
My brain is the light
Melanin you don't have
So you say but you are not right
You say his story(history)
Because you stole our story
We question this life
But it is actually my story (mystery)
© Sheltial Green