Sitting here
in the belly of the womb
of the mind, that’s mine—deep
in contemplation—it’s soon
realized that though the mind
knows and reveals all—the
power of decision is always left
to the mind’s possessor.
The agony of this
is that it often seems
as if the possessor’s mind
itself is as a streaming court
that is collectively a trial scene
of opposing barristers, the jury
and chief justice all in one:
Such is the nature of frustration.
Thus, the mind’s possessor realizes
that the mind is only the revelator
rather than the decision maker;
thus it is revealed that the mind’s
possessor must seek wisdom
from its spiritual source:
Thus is the nature of divine guidance.
In requesting such, it is then profoundly
realized that trustworthy true pleading
should not be to ask the Giver not to lead
us into temptation—that is of the nemesis—
rather we must ask to be strengthened with
divine wisdom and guidance that we are
not lead into the temptations of the nemesis
as we spiritually wave toward the shores
of decision with ever frothing assurance:
Thus is the nature of blessed assurance.
Once decisions
have been made with
divine wisdom and guidance,
the mind merely has to accept
and provide the mental GPS navigation
of the spiritual routing of the arrived decision;
therefore, It must finally be realized that
we control the mind rather than the mind
controlling us; for we are the possessors:
Thus is the nature of a mental mind
and the spiritual solace soul.
Mind now, this is all in reference
to mine and not your individual mind;
yet, it is deemed that we each control
our individual minds rather than our minds
imprisoning and controlling us; for the mental
mind is of the physical being but the spiritual soul
is and will always be of God:
Thus, is the decisive nature of a gifted wise soul.