The Derrick Terrill Project | Poetry Vibe
The Derrick Terrill Project
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6300
contest winner
I been so busy with maintaining my existence writing has been receiving my cold shoulder. I gotta pick up the pace my third book won't write itself.

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Views: 221

 -If you’re looking for the truth….here I am.
-You won’t need a co-signer or a witness to bear.
-I usually weigh in heavy on the scale, so the truth may be hard to bear.
-But I’ll make the necessities bare.
-Because if you’re looking for the truth….here I am.
-Since I’m present my gift & or curse tags along with my presence, so that’s my present to you.
-Okay the truth has an Alfred Hitch like profile.
-There are more words from the truth on The Derrick Terrill Project Facebook & Myspace profile.
-The truth hurts & can get under your skin like a puss in a boil.
-Or the truth can bring your temper to a boil.
-Now if you’re looking for the truth….here I am.
-So wait up.
-Get your vernaculars weight up.
-See the truth shall set you free past any bounds.
-But I’ll keep you tied up, gagged & bound.
-Like a dominatrix does a love slave.
-I still love to slave at bringing you the truth.
-So this I have to tell to you…
-To the people on the outs & to the people doing years without a tail.
-Listen this isn’t some tall tale.
-If you’re looking for the truth?
-Look no further.
-Because here I am

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