The Derrick Terrill Project | Poetry Vibe
The Derrick Terrill Project
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6300
contest winner
I been so busy with maintaining my existence writing has been receiving my cold shoulder. I gotta pick up the pace my third book won't write itself.

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Views: 248

-Let's start this song all over.
-Hit play back & not delete.
-I didn't understand it back then but now I'm much older.
-So let's see,
-If we,
-Can get back that perfect harmony.
-Mentally I hit rewind & sometimes repeat.
-Of how we use to hit the bars to the same beat.
-Then when I fast forward to now how I perform solo.
-It makes my heart sing sad song lyrics in alto.
-Let's start this song all over.
-Hit play back & not delete.
-I didn't understand it back then but now I'm much older.
-So let's see,
-If we,
-Can get back that perfect harmony.
-Yes I breached the contract that was emotionally signed between you & I.
-Now our melody is off pitch do to broken promises that has turned into lies.
-I've memorized the notes & now I'm ready to re-audition.
-It may seem my souls gone tone deaf but I still hear the rhythm.
-Let's start this song all over.
-Hit play back & not delete.
-I didn't understand it back then but now I'm much older.
-So let's see,
-If we,
-Can get back that perfect harmony.

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