jojo | Poetry Vibe
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The Drive To Excellence!!!


Views: 334

What would you do, in the drive to excellence?
Would you be determined? Full of energy and unbridled intelligence?
It takes up a lot of self sacrifice, never straying from the path
So make every step count, and cut your down time in half

The need to stay motivated, takes absolution
To reach that certain goal, it should be your only solution
Does it take hard work?  The answer is a resounding YES!!
Failure's NOT an option, no time for a quick recess.

Don't be concerned with of any after/side effect
Make pain your best friend, while working on your project
Grinding daily, with sights on every production
24/7, making progress while yourself is under construction

So; can you foresee the outcome?
How hard did you go? Did your brain get numb?
Is it safe to say, "Hell, I need a break today?"
Is it worth the price that you're willing to pay?

Mission Accomplished!!! You reached that Goal!!
It took you a minute, yet you found inner peace within your soul
Now you're ready for another, cause you gathered evidence
To share what it means on your DRIVE TO EXCELLENCE!!!!

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