Newpanther | Poetry Vibe
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It's Alright



Views: 161

peeking from behind closed doors
speaking in metaphors laced with symbolism
she's seen the designs
and the best laid plans of mice and men
always remembering when the lines were straight
or led to inescapable walls
she calls
and I listen to what she says
no need for her to shed light
it's alright…

she looks so superior
wearing self designed armor to protect her interior
I understand
the time isn't right just now to kiss her lips
or even hold her hand
it's enjoyable just to know what she drinks
how she feels about life
and how she thinks in all situations
I want to know what she takes for her cough
what little things I may do to piss her off
the questions she asks of me
are likened to an extended interview
because she has an investment to protect
so I must come correct tonight…
I understand
and it's alright…

I catch every hint she throws
know the places she goes and where she's been
not every secret is revealed
some things are still concealed for future conversation
our relationship is now in its meeting stage
almost ready to turn another page
closing sad chapters
although some memories will remain
the pain will make us stronger in days ahead
I've already connected with her
and the words unsaid have already come to light
the silence speaks volumes
but it's alright…

I just wanted her to know
that nowadays
I carry her wherever I go
appreciating her choice to share her precious time
with a phone call during the day
and I tell her that I am pleasantly awakened when I see
her number on my caller ID
and it is my choice
to pick up the phone and hear her voice
as she speaks straight up
or leaves me to read between lines
and only when she is ready
she will give me her heart
and I'll hold it steady
admiring it as it magnificently glistens
I will continue to listen to her metaphors
and wait patiently from behind her locked doors
until she one day steps into the light

I'm in no rush with her
she's in no rush with me
we've talked about it and decided that it is

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