1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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Sit down Ego



Views: 140
Beauty is as abstract as time. It depends on what you are taught as beautiful. Inner beauty is often submissive afraid to be seen because ego suppressed the imagination. Fear is the cause that outer and inner beauty have problems trying to coexist because we allow ego when we are taught that outer beauty controls perception. Yes it matters to many what they see. It is simple to relate to others that look like me. They convince you that you are okay it's seen in beauty pageants. So many learn in this how they must relate and on the other end of this beautiful plate is the girl with the perfect IQ and she to must find her way. No one take the two and try to view a soul. Ego makes one less because she doesn't fit the mold but in reality they both can be the same it depends on the angle you see them from when they are standing in the soup line feeding the homeless or handing a person change. So ego depending on what you're taught as a child will be mimicked must of the time yet most will never realize that ego and true beauty will never met in real time. My mother said to me growing up beauty is as beauty does. So my conscious beauty comes from more then simple stuff. Kindness is as kindness does so make a mark if you can. So my outer beauty got me in many places but my inner beauty helped me stand. No place for ego because she is the ugly twit that keeps women from embracing one another, so that part of me I've tried to dismiss. I try not to judge I just want to be. Loving all parts of my femininity

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TEEDUB815 says:

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coalhouse says:

nice work

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