take your sweet time loving me
I ain't in a rush to be in love
when one thing leads to another
we'll end up hating on each other
bad mouthing one another
talking up under each others
clothes close sign on the door
love don't live here any more
if you think you lonely now
will be our go to songs how I
done you wrong you don't want
me but I won't leave you alone
lies all lies will be told between
us two can't except the fact I'm
missing you and you can't
except the fact you miss me to
all the things you put me through
all the things I done to you
never once will you mention
what I done for you it will be
things we'll never get through
things that follow you to the
end of time wiping tears away
when ask "what's wrong"
won't know what to say
this is how I calculate add
subtract and demon strate