1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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We can, Can we



Views: 100
Can we grow together? Is this a question, or a statement. We can grow together is this a simple estimation. We say things that are more then simply heard. There is more to the commitment that becomes convoluted with spoken word. Is a relationship an investment of merely time. Does me being absent from your presence make my existence sublime. Did I disappear because my voice faded in the dark. Am I nonexistent because you couldn't feel my heart. Can we grow together? Because I don't look like you, we can grow together yet it's something we must choose. Your voice is a voice that echos a melody and even when I can't see you I know you feel like me. I know our common ground unites us as sisters in this race, yet we are not each others competition because we both have different obstacles to face. We compete against a world that would fail us. Teach us to compete, show us that we are only as valued as the world would allow our reach. Yet what we are, is a chain link fence broken down. We sit alone as links and wont reach our full potential until we learn to stand our ground. We can't fullfill that potential until we see our worth and demand the full value in it essence unrehersed. Women must unite to protect the growth within. This knowledge is what must be nutured so women learn to become slightly more than friends. I am searching for my sister's yet friendship is where it begins, so can we grow together or we can grow together so the silence can finally end...

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