WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Racial resentment



Views: 155

We keep taking, but you still thrive 

You’re never invited, but you still arrive 

We keep killing you, but you’re still alive!

You people are like weeds, no matter how hard we try

You grow and refuse to die!

We wiped out the indigenous people

Bent Indian and Asian cultures to our will

But you people refused to break, regardless of how many Africans we’d steal and kill

For centuries we kidnapped kids as slaves

10 to 15% of our human cargo now shares a ocean grave

You people transform despair into music and art

You people built this country, but here’s the crazy part!

When I see you in my office or living in my neighborhood

Instead of being humble and waving hello, I think that you somehow cheated and can’t be up to no good!

How is it possible that you and I can be in the same time and space?

My ancestors OWNED yours, so how can you even afford this place?

We copy and steal your magic

Yet here you are, your life should still be tragic!

The way that the media paints your narrative describes a living hell

You should be poor, dead, in debt, from a broken family, illiterate, in a gang, on drugs, AND in jail!

So I’m puzzled whenever I see you

You must the exception, you cannot the rule?

We forced you to speak our languages and believe in our gods

But YOU freaking people put your own spin on it and still defy the odds!

Maybe we’re insecure, uncomfortable, or unwilling and unable to face this fact

Why haven’t you people retaliated, why don’t you get revenge, when will you finally attack?

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

You poor dumb bigoted fool, you! You just don't know! Look out! Peace and Love.

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