PureSkillz23 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13300
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Currently working on my next piece in my head. Stay tuned

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Views: 224

I wrote this back when Covid first started.

 You know as I read the news and see so many people dying without telling their loved ones bye. It struck fear in me that it could be me and the people that mean so much to me would never know that I loved them. It got me thinking about how I could tell them if I was to pass from this virus. So, I decided to write out a poem just in case the worst was to happen to me. I am an asthmatic so according to all the reports I am at high risk of being severely affected by this virus. Which made me worry that I would not be able to tell the ones I loved goodbye or that I love them one last time. My condolences and prayers go out to the families that have been affected by this virus.


You know what they say tomorrow is never owed..

When this virus hit we were all in the same car going down the same road..

Uncertainty and not even a glimmer of hope..

We were just advised to just wash our hands with hot water and soap..

We were ordered to stay home and give up everything we once knew..

For majority of the world that is what they would do.

I myself was very nervous and anxiety ridden.

Due to my asthma I was highly at risk so it was written..

I washed my hands raw and avoided all possible interaction..

Cause I knew my body and if it attracted this virus I would've known it's reaction..

It would overcompensate and begin to attack itself..

Only to cause me to become very ill in health..

Well my day has come and here I am trying to fight this virus...

I recommend everyone to stay home and watch as life passes right by us..

Cause as my lungs shrink to the size of a folicule of hair..

This virus gets passed through surfaces and air... 

I wrote this so I didn't leave this world with words left unspoken..

I know people's hearts may be broken..

But just know that I love you and I will forever be with you in spirit...

It may be hard to believe cause you can not hear it..

Just know I'm with you on your journey and I'll guide you with every step forth you take...

I'll be there to make sure you only bend and never break..

When things in life start to look grey..

I'll be the one to make sure those clouds part ways.

I will be there throughout your toughest times...

And I will be there when the sun shines..

Just know that I may have never expressed or told you that I love you...

But just remember that you now have someone watching from above you..

This isn't goodbye it's I'll catch you on the flip side..

Even though my eyes may have closed and my body may have died..

My soul and spirit are with you now on the inside...

Now please there have been to many tears cried..

Just continue to live life as you normally would but with me now as your personal tour guide..

I love you all and thanks for all the memories I will forever cherish..

This is the way my story ended this was the way it was determined for me to perish..

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