I sit in a room staring at a spot on the wall it's a red dot could be blood "nah" it's ketchup when the last time I had fries I like mine with mayo I get on my feet it's some type of jell I scrape it off with my nail it stuck to me like strawberry jam I wash it off and clean the spot go to the kitchen pour oil in a pot put it on flames to get it hot grab a knife out the box peel and cut potatoes on a chopping block throw em in the pan fry em until golden brown take em out let em rest awhile on a paper towel sprinkle em with salt of the sea is it me or did that spot on the wall inspire these pommes frites "nah couldn't be" mouth watering I salivate with a smile on my face it abruptly fades away there's no mayonnaise nor ketchup insight just a jar of stuff that looks to me like strawberry jam "ah damn"