2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Earthquake Skates


just different

Views: 271

I, being  of  solid  mind  and mostly grounded

Founded on  a  few  feats  and  a whole lot of legend

Questing  at  see,  looking  for  land,  or  whales  to see

Yonder eyes  spied  wonders,  seized  senses  intensifies

For  a  look-a-here,  look-a-there,  starboard shining

Defining  a  look,  rubbing  mines  to  make  sure for  sure

Might of  a  mirage,  has  caught  my  sights,  insights’ invite

Periscope  lifts  as  sonar  registers  a  hit,  pinging surely

The  outline  is  divine,  what  a  find,  blowing  minds of mine

Big  fish  wishes  are  confirmed,  as  recognition in turn returned

Jumping  clear  out  an aqueous  solution,  is  a glorious protrusion

Silhouettes defined  by  God’s  graceful  design,  what a  find, yet so fine

Staring  from  port,  as  mouths  gape  open  and wide, thar she blows

As  I  brace  my  line,  hoping  to  hook  this  dime  for perpetual quarters

Just  then,  game  of  thrones,  turns  on,  and  I  am now  the  prey haunted

Sighting  has  been  made,  as  thunderous  waves, signal moves my way

Caught  and  shaken,  my  pursuit  is  indirect  and  of  course  off  course

Hoping  not  to  crash  and  burn,  is  my only concern, in  such proximity awards

Up  close  and  personal,  I  stand  amazed  in  her  wake,  splitting my read sees

Oh lawd  have  mercy,  she  busts  eye  sockets  as  she  passes glances  to  left

My  line  of  sight  was  strong  in  that  brief instance,  as  the mothership rolls by

Wanting  to  turn  my  head  for  a  full  size  view,  my mind  already had the shot

So  back  to  solid  ground,  I  stand  looking  longingly out for  a  chance  to  see

One  more  time,  the  fault  lines  reveal earth shaking  beauty,  what a rhyme!

For  she  will  forever,  roll  and  glide  in  my  mind,  for  quite some time…..

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow! Powerful imaging---shaking, rattling, and rolling in pounding metaphoric rhythmic waves as the world and mind rumble in revolving time. Many thanks for the "skating" ride, 2b2b2. Enjoyed. Peace and Love

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks kind Sir...mlowe5....Peace and Love Always

Dolisha DeVonne says:

This was an amazing read. Thanks for sharing

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