don't let hope die hope is not immortal hope is not eternal hope is corporeal hope is passing hope is somatic hope is organic hope is our children hope is our planet hope is tomorrow hope can be today hope is likely to be hope is imaginable hope is feasible hope is our next meal hope is how we feel hope is what we hope is real hope is under the sun hope is in all creation hope is prone to err hope is easily tempted to fail those who hope it prevail hope is a cirtain knock hope is thinking outside the box hope is hoping the doors unlock hope is a opening hope is a long shot hope is a outlook on life hope is a fighting chance hope is ambition hope is a dream hope is a mission we can't breathe for hope hope is our oxygen "how do we keep hope alive" when we rely on hope to be self reliant when we depend on hope to wave a magic wand to achieve our goals we bank on hope for everything even to rise from the gave to give us hope to hope for