The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


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lightness in the dark
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Bloody Murder



Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 251

the world is screaming bloody murder to the heavens up above I hear it's power in the blood  but we out here drowning in this flood the  whole world is traumatize it's no surprise to see over the nose into the eyes the lights so bright the world's in the dark when I talk to God I ask God what did we do so wrong to you and what must we do to make it right I'm gifted in insight but I haven't a clue I want the truth I been on hold waiting to get through I turned my whole life around to be true to you I know you see the evil man do the world is in need of you to do what you do the world is dying and don't know why losing love ones can't say bye half the world contemplating committing suicide the other half committing homicide these are perilous times perform a miracle the world needs the wine the world needs to reach out and touch something to feel better the world is screaming bloody murder the sheep need a herder the woke is up listening to sirens ever thing I love been took from me hope blood not the last thing I see during this terminal disease used to cry when one die now all I can see is them out of this misery it's no mystery who wrote the story we read that keeps us turning the other cheek dumb down and week under a knee prohibit to breathe mutilated hated mandated sick and tired of grief who wouldn't want to leave when there's peace in the grave for a run away slave I don't know why we ain't been "no ways tired" guess it's how we wired been through the fire skin of brass inside broken glass dark matter that's good as it last the world is screaming bloody murder on this wilderness journey the world cries "please don't dessert us in this desert screaming bloody murder murder murder

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thus must we all be the Shepards we call up on to be! The Sheep are grazing in Fields of "Bloody Murder"! Power share. Thanks, Poet Wize. Peace

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