WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 5
contest winner
The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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1460 Days



Views: 163

I’ve never been so free or had so much power

My time well spent by the hour

Constantly being told what to say and do

How to think and where to go, but all along we knew

That the lives enriched and saved would be ours and yours

Far away from the rest of the world free, on distant shores

I wore a uniform, slept on a cot, and ate three square meals inside a metal cage

But I was not in prison, rather on US Navy warships for a total of 1,460 days!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

4 years. Thanks for the serving awareness of still being here with the freedom fighting skills---shooting--sailing words of encouragement on the sea of life. Peace and Love.

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