Newpanther | Poetry Vibe
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Fifteenth Round



Views: 242

Promised I would never fess up
That I would never write about that day
You and I
Went to opposite corners of the ring
The bell sounding
As we both silently
With little fanfare
Rose from our stools
And exited to our separate locker rooms

Enduring fifteen rounds behind closed doors
And I wallowed in the bliss of the conflict
Points scored
With velvet gloves and midnight kisses
And I let you win as many rounds as you wanted
I just wanted to be in the same ring with you
And no one ever knew
We both would end up taking a dive
Like Bootney and Fortieth Street Black
A sudden end to a record breaking pay-per-view event

I was singing the Atlantic Starr lead
Feeling every day that your heart was no longer in it
But you never told me so
Had me goin’ around in circles
And you never really knew 
How big my circle was

Nancy Wilson sang to me one night
Guess who I saw today
But I didn’t want to believe it
Could not deny the authority of the one
Singing it to me late one night
Quite excellently on key

The bell sounded for the start of the fifteenth round
But I was through
And some little Nancy Wilson bird told me the night before
So were you
The ref imploring us to touch gloves once more
In the center of the ring
Three more minutes to the decision
Looking back at it now
At you
At me
I am still undefeated

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A beautiful allegorical pen! Thanks for the share, Newpanther. Great allegory and imaging. Peace and Love.

Newpanther says:

hope all is well, mentor!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

God has been Good. Thanks. Peace and Love.

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