Hope is a delicate thing
It has to be cared for and just like anything else
You need to really work at it...
This could sound like the old no pain no gain
But this is rather a story of having more hope, more life, more living, more loving, more laughter, more sincere feelings from the heart and moving and living within that hope.
We are here to accomplish something.
Your dreams are just as important as mine.
Your desitnation is more of a destiny and I am the one behind you pushing you to move forward in the direction of your dreams.
I like the fight in you. The same one that pushes you forward sometimes pushes you back. And when you are pushed back, you are pushed into me. And my basic response is "Get off of me!"
And I push you futher into the direction of your dreams.
Im more friend than foe. More hero and less stress. Today you are awake, and in a minute is the test. Are you brave enough to face the world today.
Or will escape you. And that is fine because it will never escape us.