The face you see in front of you is far from the true face that lies beneath the surface of what you see
so many faces so many voices
The face you see shows
no pain
no hurt
no regret
no sadness
But if you only knew the face that lies beneath is the face that shows all the emotions
The face that lies beneath is the face that cries out for help in ways one mite say
you crazy
you a fool
Not knowing the face that lies beneath is the face that has so many voices talking at one time that the face you see
in front of you is now trapped inside it's self with no way out
The voices so many voices
The pain so much pain
The hurt so much hurt
The regret so much regret
The sadness so much sadness
How can you fine your way out of this dark place .... you try to have a drink but one drink leads to a drunken night of sadness
How can you fine your way out of this dark place try to walk it off only to not know where you're going or how to get there
The face you see in front of you
you once knew as a loving soul
you once knew as your protector
you once knew as your go to person
you once knew as your father
Is now a face you don't even recognize so far gone so out of touch all you can do is walk away from what you once knew
and see the face that lies beneath as the new face that you now see right in front of you